Friday, January 29, 2010

La Forma Equivalente - March 19th to April 12th, 2009

La Forma Equivalente

From March 19th to April 12th, 2009

EspIRA / La ESPORA and the Museum of Art of El Salvador within the program MARTE Contemporáneo, presents the exhibition:

La Forma Equivalente (LFE)

This itinerante sample is sustained by two sources: on the one hand, by Central American artists who regularly build proposals on identity and power and whose works in LFE are mostly known. On the other hand, participants of the Academic Residence for Emerging Central American Artists (RAPACES), in its edition 2008-09, organized as well by EspIRA / La ESPORA and also called La Forma Equivalente.

When in 2007 we conceived the thematic area, we thought about questioning the historical relations, often romantic, between art and the dominant power – patriarchy, capitalism, racism and other systems of domination that need, just as many other things in this life, the visual scaffolding that art provides: from ultra-conventional ways, as the female nudity, to the less recognized, yet more surprising, strategies that we expected to find through dialogue with the artists.

For this purpose we called on LFE residency, a meeting of Central American emerging artists, under RAPACES, that would serve as a platform for discussion regarding art and power, and the production of a work in this sense. The other thing we did was to invite those artists that have already been working with issues such as gender, ethnicity, class, colonization, cultural, aesthetic stereotypes, to the LFE Exhibit.

It happened that in the LFE residency, participants and instructors expanded the field of discussion in various directions, like the broad and abstract field of power of images or the more specific art and its intimate relations with the curatorial power.

On the other hand, we knew that the works of guest artists were going to suggest new readings as soon as they reconfigured with the “whole” ... but that “whole” continued to be unclear since the outcome of the residency remained to be seen, and the study of the communication, the search, the articulation or non-articulation, between some works and others was still pending. In addition, we also knew that the trajectories of the two groups were very different; the individual weights of the participants are as diverse as Mosca and Welter. The combination was a risky action, however, after considering costs, risks, and benefits, we betted on the benefits. The result was amazing: LFE residency produced vigorous works and we began to notice convergences in the new “whole”, healthy divergences, links that went loose without losing the tension, as well as works that unexpectedly tied up in a natural and strong fashion.

The task of verbally articulating these perceptions, and to assemble them in space, leads to the harmonization, hopefully not too much, of a set that is based upon common interests and that is guided to a divergence of complex heterogeneities. The La Forma Equivalente Exhibit revises its own senses; it proposes itself as an exercise of reasoning that motivates and offers viewers with a peculiar combination of reflections, difficult to classify in other circumstances.

Patricia Belli


Participating artists for this exhibition are:

Edgar Calel, Regina Galindo, Sandra Monterroso (Guatemala)

Melissa Guevara, Mauricio Esquivel, Jaime Izaguirre (El Salvador)

Celeste Ponce, Lester Rodríguez (Honduras)

Raúl Quintanilla, Norlan Gutiérrez, Alejandro Flores, Jullissa Moncada, Laura Baumeister, Gabriel Serra, Ricardo Huezo, Consuelo Mora, Darling López Salinas (Nicaragua)

Javier Calvo Sandí, Diana Barquero, Fabrizio Arrieta, Roberto Guerrero, Paulina Velázquez (Costa Rica)

The MARTE Contemporáneo program is sponsored by Mario Cáder Frech and the MARTE Contemporáneo committee.

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